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FOSS Hours are back: Thursdays 5pm-7pm @ MSS-3190

Justin W. Flory - 19 August 2019

Hi FOSS folks! FOSS Hours are back for the Fall 2019 semester on Thursdays from 5:00pm until 7:00pm. Find us in the MAGIC Spell Studios building in MSS-3190 (second floor conference room). The first FOSS Hours of the semester is Thursday, September 5th, 2019. Pizza is included!

What are FOSS Hours?

Want to meet other students, faculty, and staff interested in free and open source software at RIT? FOSS Hours is an informal time for the FOSS community at RIT to gather. Come to see what other people are working on, share what things you’re working on, or take some time to get caught up on homework or other project work. You can stay for as short or for as long as you like. No RSVP is necessary.

We hope to see you on Thursday nights, whether it’s your hundredth time or your first time!


— Justin W. Flory (jwf / jflory7)