Election Night Hackathon 2019
05 November 2019 - Justin W. Flory, D. Joe Anderson
Students and faculty collaborated and worked on projects during the 2018 US midterm elections.
FOSS@MAGIC proudly presents… the 9th Annual Election Night Hackathon!
All types of attendees are welcome: programmers, designers, political science students, art students, and more. Learn about civic hacking and watch election results arrive in real time.
Then brainstorm and hack the night away on current projects or propose new civic hacking projects with new friends! Pizza and other consumables will be provided. Please RSVP so we know how much to buy.
Those seeking a project may be interested in helping transcribe suffragist papers in collaboration with the Smithsonian and the Library of Congress.
The Election Night Hackathon is possible thanks to the RIT MAGIC Center and Red Hat.